14 Nov

Please find below today’s daily bulletin. Thank you.
House Captains – Meeting for all school House Captains this Wednesday 15th November in room 1:1 at breaktime. All House Captains should attend if possible and any HCs who haven’t been to a meeting so far, it is extra important that you attend. See you then, Mrs Grierson.
Mrs Grierson
Careers Appointments – Please can the following pupils attend their careers appointment today in the library.
Period | Time | Pupil Name | Year |
P1 | 09:15 | G Yeaman | S5P |
P2 | 10:00 | H Shek | S5F |
P3 | 11:10 | S Turner | S6H |
P5 | 12:40 | S Barclay | S6H |
P6 | 14:10 | L Johnston | S4P |
N Malcolm
Period | Time | Pupil Name | Class |
P1 | 9:15 | B Javed | 5B |
P3 | 11:10 | L Alsamaan | 6E |
P4 | 11:55 | D Smith | 6B |
P5 | 12:40 | K Davidson | 5K |
J Mears
As part of the school’s remembrance programme the WW1 documentary ‘They Shall Not Grow Old’ will be shown in room 3.1 on Thursday and Friday lunchtime this week. All S4-S6 pupils are welcome to bring their lunch and watch Peter Jackson’s documentary which honours those who fought and uses groundbreaking technology to create a colour depiction of this historical moment in world history.
Mrs Gillone
Careers Week – It is Careers Week Scotland! DYW have organised for Robertsons (new school) and Kilmac to discuss Careers with their companies on Thursday 16th November and BAM (cross tay link) to do the same on Friday 17th November. Both sessions will be held in the library at 9:30am. Should you wish to attend please sign up on year group google classroom or notify Elaine Blair in Library at school.
S3/S4 Girl Footballers – Could all S3/S4 girl footballers that played in the SPAR Cup please attend a meeting on Tuesday (today) at break time in the PE classroom.
Mr Muttitt
TABLE TENNIS CLUB – Due to high numbers, the table tennis club will now run on a Tuesday lunchtime AND a Thursday lunchtime:
TUESDAY LUNCHTIME – S1 (if any seniors wish to come along and play, you are welcome too)
We are currently running a ladder tournament so, if you haven’t joined already, you are more than welcome to join! You can also just come and play if you don’t want to be in the tournament!
Miss Taylor
Staff/pupils – Readers’ Heaven – the school library will be transformed for this event!
Wednesday 15th November – 1.25pm – bring along your lunch! Make a note in your calendar!

PHS/ PTA Family Quiz Night – Quiz night to be held Friday 17th November at 7pm in Perth High School assembly hall. Maximum 6 people per team, £2 per person. Tickets available from school office or by emailing gail.meek@outlook.com Raffle donations welcome (please hand in to school office). Raffle on the night (please bring cash).
PTA Committee
Music Lessons – Can the following pupils please attend their music lessons on Wednesday (15 Nov) at the times below.
09.05 – J Lindsay / F Frood
09.55 – M Shakoor / E McLaughlin
11.10 – M Mackie / C Ramsay-Patullo
11.35 – T Bowie
Mrs Paterson
SU Group – The Scripture Union group is on Tuesday lunchtimes in Room 1.4. This group is open to all pupils S1 – S6, church or no church, to explore the Bible and questions about life and faith together. Feel free to bring your lunch with you. Any questions please see Miss Morrow.
Miss Morrow
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