31 Jan

Please find below today’s daily bulletin. Thank you.

S1, S4, S6 Individual Photos: Due to a technical error some individual photos were unable to be printed off when they were taken yesterday. Copies of the photos can now be collected from the school office.


Senior Girls Football:  Girls in the senior football team, can you please attend a meeting at Break Time on Tuesday 30th January in the PE classroom regarding your next game in the Scottish Cup vs Greenwood Academy. 

Miss Foote

Scottish Schools Athletics Cross Country Championships:  Anybody interested in taking part in the Hopetoun House Cross Country Championships, please attend a meeting at Breaktime on Wednesday 31st January in the PE Classroom to sign up.

Miss Foote 

Careers Festival Timings: Please share with all young people.

Periods 1-4 will run for most people as normal.  S6 and some S5 pupils will be out of class during periods 3 and 4 to attend a mock interview preparation session with AVIVA. 

Lunch will run from 12.40-13.25 with pupils returning to period 5 in the afternoon. 

During the afternoon session S3/4/5/6 will have the opportunity to visit the festival.  Could staff please attend with their classes to provide additional supervision in the key areas of the Assembly Hall and Senior Dining Centre in particular.  Classes should return to their rooms towards the end of the period for an orderly dismissal, bags and jackets should be left in classrooms. 

Period 6 – S3 and S6 should be registered in class and then accompanied to the festival area.

Period 7 – S4 and S5 should be registered in class and then accompanied to the festival area.

The staff room café will be open from 4pm for staff and visitors.  Departments who are taking part in the event to display their pathways will be able to set up in the concourse at the end of the school day. 

AVIVA Mock Interview Session

All S6 pupils should report to the Assembly Hall during period 3 and 4 on Thursday 1st February for the first session with AVIVA.  Any S5 pupils who are leaving school at the end of this year should also report to the Assembly Hall and register with Mrs McMahon. 

Careers Festival Helpers

Any pupils who have signed up to help with the Careers Festival should report to the school foyer (outside the Assembly Hall) on Thursday at 1pm for direction. 

Mrs McMahon