22 Mar

Bulletin – Tuesday 22  March 2022 – 101

S4/5/6 – Study Support – Would you like some practical advice on how to make studying more effective?  We have pulled together information on some techniques to help you make the most of your time.  You can also get some practical help on how to make it work for your subjects.  All sessions will cover the same material, come to one which suits you.  Times are:

Tuesday breaktime: Room 3.10 (Mr Kelly’s room)

Wednesday lunchtime: Room 1.11 (Mr Campbell’s room)

Wednesday after school: Room 3.10 (Mr Kelly’s room)

Thursday breaktime: Room 3.10 (Mr Kelly’s room)

Ms Coventry, Mr Campbell, Mr Kelly

EASTER RAFFLE!   Recommend a book to be in with a chance to win.  Fill out a book recommendation slip (handed out during reggie or available from the Library) and you’ll receive your raffle ticket on Wednesday/Thursday.  Max 3 recommendation slips per pupils.  The prize winner will be called on Friday the 25th and brought to you on Monday the 28th, with smaller prizes also up for grabs for runners up.

Mrs Burns & the Reading Ambassadors

S1 PHOTOGRAPHS FOR SEEMIS – S1 photographs for inclusion in SEEMIS are being taken over the next couple of weeks, during their PSE classes.

All pupils are asked to wear full school uniform for their photos

Week Starting Monday 21st the following class will be taken

Friday Pd 6 – 1H5

All catch up photos for those pupils NOT present this week will be taken during their PSE classes over the course of the week

Pupils – Please note that the climbing club will not run this week due to DofE expeditions taking place.

Lisa O’Brien, Outdoor Education

Careers – the following pupils should attend their careers appointment in the library

PeriodTimePupil NameClassDayDate
P19:10A DewarS4Tuesday22-Mar
P29:55M EverettS4Tuesday
P311:00N HowgateS6Tuesday
P512:30C EdwardsS5Tuesday
P62:10C JacksonS5Tuesday

J Mears