26 Sep

Please find below today’s daily bulletin. Thank you.

S3 Parents’ Evening Helpers – Could the following people please come to the Head Team room for a few minutes at some point during lunch on Monday or Tuesday to confirm whether or not they are still able to help with S3 Parent evening.

L Whyte

K Robertson

E Bairs

M Rapa

H Neilson

C Lewis

O Johnson

G Hearsum

S Fisher

M Kelly-Barton

H Binnie

Z Alhamdam

Head Team

Tayside Schools Swimming Championships -The Tayside Schools Swimming Champs are back for 2022! They will be taking place at the Forfar Community Campus on the evenings of 1st & 3rd November. Could any competitive swimmers wishing to take part please come for a meeting in Room 1.10 today (Monday 26th September) at lunchtime.

Dr Lake

S5/6 Assembly – There will be no S6 assembly at PS time today.  Period 3 there will be an assembly where we will be visited by Project Trust – a charity who provide volunteering opportunities and gap years for senior pupils.  Should any S5 pupils wish to join us they will be welcome to do so.

Miss Sorbie

Pupil Voice Leaders – There will be a short meeting of all Pupil Voice Leaders in the Assembly Hall at the start of Period 3 on Monday. This is to finalise arrangements for the Pupil Voice Conference.

Mr Murray

All Pupils – Are you worried about the state of the planet?  Are you a big David Attenborough fan?  Then come along to Perth High Environmental Club on Tuesday lunchtimes from 1.30pm in Room 1.18.  Feel free to bring your lunch.  All years welcome and snacks will be available!  Come learn about the climate crisis and share your ideas of how to improve the school.  Any questions ask Holly Karley-Smith 5B1, Hannah Binnie 5B1, Katie Loudon 5B2 and Asher McCulloch 5B1.

SU Group The school SU Group is on Tuesday at lunchtime in Room 2.18 (Dr Jones’ classroom).  The SU Group is a Christian group that meets for pupils to explore the Bible and questions of faith. The group is led by senior pupils and all pupils are welcome to attend – from S1-S6 and any church or no church. Bring your lunch at 1:15 or come along after at 1:30. If you have any questions, please speak to Dr Jones for more information.

Dr Jones

Lunchtime Clubs – All lunchtime sports clubs will be cancelled this week due to interhouse tournaments. Please see details at the bottom of the bulletin.

Miss Foote

Senior Girls Football – Can the following girls attend a meeting at break on Monday 26th in the PE classroom:

I Kirkland

A Johnstone

K Mackie

E Cooper

H Jeary

K Renrew

O Currie

O O’Connor

K Robertson

E Osborne

E Tomb

A Osborne

R Gray

E Murray

D Devlin

Miss Foote

Careers Appointments Please can the following pupils attend their careers appointment today in the library.

Monday 26th September
PeriodTimePupil NameYear
P109:10S PerellaS4
P311:00L BurnettS6
P411:45K SwanS6

N Malcolm

PeriodTimePupil NameClass
P19:10C StravidisS5B
P311:00A DouglasS6E
P411:45A ZylaS6K
P62:10V WhittakerS3B

J Mears

Miss Guthrie

Interhouse Table Tennis Competition

New PE Games Hall @ 1:30pm- 2pm (Lunchtime)


1 point for taking part

1 point if you play and lose

3 points if you win!!


Any questions, come and see Miss Martin or Miss Foote in the PE Department.

Which house will be our Table Tennis Champions!!!!!!