Better Relationships, Better Learning, Better Behaviour

Over recent months, a significant amount of work has been put into the creation of a new policy which addresses relationships, learning and behaviour in the school.  A restorative philosophy, focused on relationships permeates the policy and it makes clear how things are done at Perth High School.

On the 14th August, 2018 our new Better Relationships, Better Learning, Better Behaviour Policy will become fully implemented.  Improving relationships is a key driver in our school improvement plan.  In creating this policy, views and opinions of pupils, staff, parents/carers and the wider community were sought.  Central to this policy is its three main aims; clarity, consistency and clear communication.  Please take time to read and familiarise yourself with this policy.  We have launched it with pupils, staff and the Parent Council.  There will be opportunities in the coming weeks for parents/carers and the wider community to come into school to discuss the policy in more detail.   It will also offer the chance for school staff, parents and carers to discuss the different strategies contained within the document and have any questions answered.

Please click on the link below to see the policy –

Better Relationships Policy 2018